July 16, 2008

A Tuesday

Yesterday seemed like the longest day ever. So in my frustration I am going outlay the events of the day.
4:15am Wake up and take a shower to get ready for work
4:30am Realize the children were woken up by the shower(the water pipes run through their room and are exposed, not hidden in the walls like they normally should be!)
4:45 Leave for work hoping they fall asleep for my husband's sake. He got home from work at 1:30am so there was not much sleep for him
5am-11:15am Work nonstop running around and trying to handle a very busy Tuesday morning at my Starbucks
11:15am Get off work and at the request of my husband "get home immediately" oh but don't forget coffee and a smoothie for him first
11:30am Arrive home to hungry husband and children who have of course been fighting all morning and driving their father nuts
2pm Husband leaves for work, grumpy, tired, and irritated that the kids never really went back to sleep and they have been tearing the house apart all day. I try to get the 5 year old to take a nap which never happens, at the least the 2 year old goes down.
The rest of the day is hot and boring and there is scarce food in the house to keep them happy with. Trying to keep them entertained is something I have about given up on since today seems to be the ultimate sibling bashing day. They will not leave each other alone! I don't know if its entertaining or annoying that my son at 2 years old knows how to perfectly annoy his big sister. I think I can add referee to my resume after raising children. Madilynn has found comfort away from Bubba in the tree fort that is in the front yard. However, does she remember to wear shoes? No she wants to be like Mogli in the Jungle Book and be barefoot. So everytime she wants down I of course must be ready to help.
Thinking the children will go to bed easy tonight since they were up at the crack of dawn, we do bed time routine at 7:15 and by 7:45 they are in the beds with books and lights off. Oh I forgot, Madi lost her 2nd tooth this afternoon so its constant questions and excitement about the tooth fairy.
9:36pm Finally get to sit down and put my feet up. Geez 2 hrs really? Just to get the little buggers to actually fall asleep. That's ridiculous, I check all the clocks to make sure, yes, its true. Nice. What a great evening. At least I am comforted by the fact that when I am finally done I am home alone. Nothing makes me more irritated than coming out of the room once the children are asleep and realizing that my husband has spent the last several hours on the PS3. I strain myself to stay awake until 11ish when the hubby walks in the door from work. I am sooo tired having been up since 4:15am but I feel like I never saw him today and it would be nice to watch tv or something, if I can keep my eyes open. Good thinking for him to bring home a tall can of Coors light but nothing for me. A glass of wine sounds like heaven right now. Oh well. At least its that time of the month so I have a good excuse for not giving in to you know what...Now can I go to bed?
2am Bubba wakes up crying and wants me to lay with him. Apparently they were both awake for whatever reason and Mitchell was trying to handle it(sweet, really) but they wanted mommy(of course). I lay down next to Bubba to cuddle, its a tight squeeze in his toddler bed but hey, its soft and I am tired. Madi is rolling back over to fall asleep when she remembers that her tooth was left for the tooth fairy. Oh crap! Tooth Fairy...I hope Mitchell has cash! I reassure Madi that I am sure she will be here later, its still night time, etc. Wait for her to fall asleep again before I leave the money. $2.60 for one tooth. I remember getting a dollar but I bet with inflation and the current prices of things, I should really leave like $10. Yah right, I think I need that more than Mattel does! Besides at 5 she is still confused on the fact that paper money is worth more than the silver pieces. Worst part is I probably WILL end up spending $10 by the time we pay for the gas to get to the store and help her buy something since $2.60 is not going to get her anything! Ohh maybe the Dollar Store will be a good choice...Okay now good night!

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